Are you ready to tap into that deep hidden feminine power inside of you?
Discover the deeper mystery of your sacred feminine power. Remember, reclaim & embody your own power and sexuality as a woman and start living the life that simply feels good!
Who should take this course?
Every woman who longs to awaken the deeper feminine wisdom and power inside of her.
Every woman who longs to come home inside of herself
Every woman who wants more balance in her emotional life
Every woman who longs to feel safe and deeply rooted inside of herself and the world
Every woman who is looking for more healthy boundaries
Every woman who wants to break free of the grip of past relationships & lovers
Every woman who struggles with low self esteem
Every woman who wants to gain a deeper trust in the choices she makes
Every woman who longs to reclaim her sexual energy and use this energy as a fuel for her creative power
What is included in this course?
4 video teachings and 8 audio teachings
* Coming home inside of yourself
* Creating healthy boundaries
* Learning to sit on your throne and step into your power
* Becoming orgasmic & creative!
1 extra bonus session on orgasmic manifesting
How does it work?
Each week you will receive a video training, one audio training and one audio meditation.
The videos and audios will be accompanied by a weekly mantra that empowers you.
The teachings will be accompanied by some questions to play with each week.
Waaw Sandra, you have the gift to help us connect with our female body on a deeper level. You show us to respect our breast and hips as a woman. I have never felt so feminine and self confident in such a short time thanks to this course. Thankyou I will keep on cultivating this each day !
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